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You know... I've got like, Nunchuck Skills, Bowhunting Skills, Computer Hacking Skills


I have experience mixing:



-Broadcast Audio


Consoles of Note:

Digico SD7, SD5, SD12, SD11, SD9, SD8, SD10 (My consoles of choice!)

Yamaha PM10, PM7, PM1D, PM5D, M7CL, DM2000, 01v96, LS9, QL5, CL5

Allen and Heath iLive, iLive T, GLD

Soundcraft Vi Series, Si Series

Avid Venue Profile, SC48

SSL L300 and L500

Waves Soundgrid Pro Bundle Plug-ins and Soundgrid Networking

AoIP Networking


Audio Systems of Note:

Primarily d&b Audiotechnik J, V, Q, T, and C series of speakers

Meyer Sound, L Acoustics, JBL 


Other skills:

-CAD Drafting of shows, as well as installation designs using Vectorworks and ConnectCad, and Autocad.

-Wireless frequency coordination with Shure Wireless Workbench, And Professional Wireless Systems Intermodulation Analysis Software. Coordinated shows of up to 105 simultaneously operating wireless channels, including IEM's, IFB's, wireless microphones, and wireless com.  I also have experience deploying full Shure Axient Systems.

-Networking of production gear over LAN

-Solid knowledge of troubleshooting broadcast video systems, including HD video over fiber, audio embedding and dis-embedding on HD-SDI signals, and video routing, switching, and distribution

-Design and troubleshooting of com systems, both 2-wire and matrix, analog and over IP LAN and WAN.



Industry Training and Education:

• Syn-Aud-Con for Technicians

• Arena Rigging with Bill Sapsis of Sapsis Rigging

• Safe Lifting with Rocky Paulson of Stage Rigging, A Freeman Company

• d&b Audiotechnik Product Workshop, and Line Array Theory

• Symetrix DSP Programming certification

  • Audinate Dante Level 1, 2, and 3 Certification

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